Public schools in India
Primary and secondary level school education is mandatory. Basically public school in India take very less fee and in some cases they do not take fee from student for the education offered. Public schools in India are the schools which are run by the government or government bodies. Public schools in India also provide afternoon meals to the students. There are well established public schools in India which offer world-class education which are run and controlled by the states. Certain public schools are funded by the states.
Purpose of Public schools in India
Public schools are established all across India which is engaged in providing world-class education. Their main objectives are:
- To bring enhancement in the field of academic education
- Encouraging the aspirants in reading and learning
- Aspirants are prepared to face the competitive exams
- Making aspirants to learn more in practical approach than in theoretical concepts
- Since the future depends in their hands making them to inculcate the habit of reading and gaining knowledge
- Imparting the necessary knowledge and attitude
The task of public schools in India is to fulfill the said objectives and make the aspirants the best citizen of India.
Well-known public schools in India
Public schools in India are categorized into Primary level school, Middle school and high school. Public schools in India include Abhyasa Residential public school, St. John’s boarding school, Bhartiya vidya bhawan etc. these are the top best public schools in India which offer world class school education to their students.
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