Students' demonstrate against Private varsity Bill

Updated on: Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Opposing the Private Universities Bill, which was recently passed by the Maharashtra Legislature, students' organisations held protests accusing the state government of "commercialising" education.

The Students Federation of India (SFI) and Democratic Youth Federation of India (DYFI) held demonstrations outside the Bombay University gate here by forming a human-chain.
With the banners round their necks, the protesting students shouted anti-government slogans terming the bill "unconstitutional".
They courted arrest seeking immediate abolition of the bill.
"Taking advantage of the chaos caused due to the Maval firing, the Government passed the Bill in both the Houses. The Bill will benefit the people who runs the institutions and it will affect the students from the backward class as they will be deprived of education," Avinash Salve, student and district secretary SFI, said.
The Private Universities Bill or the Self-Financed Universities' Bill, passed in the monsoon session of the state legislature, carries no mention of regulation of fees in these universities.

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