Focus on technological advancements in recycling

Updated on: Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Experts in Recycling and Reuse of Materials discussed various topics, including advances and developments in the field at an international conference that was conducted at Mahatma Gandhi University from August 5 to 7.

The conference was organised by Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, MG University Kottayam; Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing, China; Materials Science and Manufacturing CSIR, South Africa and Institute of Macromolecular Science and Engineering Kottayam.

The conference was inaugurated by Prof.Dr. Rajan Gurukkal, Vice-Chancellor, MG University, Kottaym on August 5.

Dr. Arul Manual Stephen gave the presidential address and the felicitation address was delivered by Prof.Oluwatobi Samuel Oluwafemi (Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Walter Sisulu University, Mthatha campus Eastern Cape, South Africa). Prof.Dr. Sabu Thomas (Professor/Director, Centre for Nano Science and Nanotechnology, MG University, Kottayam) was the convener of the conference.


Around 150 national and international delegates attended the conference. The symposium brought together a panel of experts in the field of recycling and reuse of materials and their products.

There were talks related to basic studies and application and also on novel issues. Recycling refers to the process of collecting used materials which is usually considered as ‘waste' and reprocessing them. In this process these used materials are sorted the production of new products.

Papers presented

On the first day of the conference, about 20 delegates presented their papers. Scientists from various countries like Japan, Brazil, Spain, Russia, Egypt, India presented their papers related to various subjects especially on agro-waste/ biomass recycling, methods for recycling of different types of polymers and also conservation of water and its recycling.

Prof. Abbas Yehia from Egypt gave a talk about the recycling of rubber scrap and its utilisation and also there was a discussion related to the e-waste scenario in India.

Prof. Parthasarathy from India gave a talk on “sustainable e-waste recycling for a cleaner future”. There was a brain-storming session to submit a joint framework for funding projects between India and Europe. There was also a discussion about other projects between India and rest of the world. This was followed by a poster session in which research scholars from various institutions presented their posters.

Hospital waste

The topics of discussion for the second day were utilisation of hospital waste by recycling process, recycling of metal and various composting technique for recycling of wastes.

There were classes on emerging recycling technologies for polymer composites and the use of recycled material to solve the problem of scarcity of mineral aggregate in the Amazon region.

Classes were taken by Neil.E. Izatt from USA on the topics “Novel Environmentally friendly Method for selective Metal Recovery from Electronic and Low – Level Wastes” and Prof. M. C. Manna from India on the topic “Accelerated composting Technique for Recycling of wastes.”

The papers presented for the third day were on waste management, and recycling of metal and polymer electrolytes. Prof.R.Adhikari from Nepal gave a lecture on the biodegradable polymer composites which are reinforced with bamboo flour.

Marko Linkon from Solvenia introduced a new compound (POSSA) which provides fast and efficient oil spill clean-up, through his presentation. In his talk he mentioned about the origin and application of this super efficient oil absorbent. Poplars are fast growing trees in Solvenia and this POSSA absorbent consists of hollow fibres produced from poplar seeds. This compound has wide range of applications, it is able to clean spills of oils, fuels, organic solvents, vegetable oils, and animal fats. It can also act as an efficient filtering material for hydrophobic liquid/water separation. Special nano tubular structure allows POSSA to be super efficient and is extra light absorbent compare to other synthetic absorbents.


The three-day conference ended with a concluding session on August 7 in which the delegates conveyed their experiences on the seminar. Several participants requested for the repeat of the conference every year.

The next conference will be held in MG University in 2012. The best poster awards were presented to the winners.

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