Cops warn against ragging, eve-teasing in education institutions

Updated on: Monday, August 22, 2011

With the 2011-12 acadmeic year underway, Tamil Nadu police warned against ragging and eve-teasing in educational institutions as it placed priority on preventing occurring of such incidents.

ADGP (Law and Order) S George said police officials including SPs, range DIGs and Zonal IGs were maintaining close co-ordination with the heads of education institutions for "enforcing the rule of law."
Special teams have been formed to keep vigil in this regard and complaints, if any, can be filed online the police website, he said in a release here.
Students will be sensitised to the menace, saying ragging was prohibited in the state and "commission of the offence would attract stringent punishment."
It would be the same case with eve-teasing too and awareness will be created on the punishable offence, he said adding senior police officers will be in touch with anti-ragging committees.
Police will also encourage educational institutions to install drop boxes in campuses to help students drop complaints, he said.
Tamil Nadu has witnessed some serious incidents relating to ragging and eve-teasing with some of them turning out to be fatal such as the 'Navarasu' murder case and Sarika Shah death, both alleged victims of ragging and eve-teasing, respectively.

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