IIT-K, SGPGIMS join hands to study gastro disease

Updated on: Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Indian institute of Technology, Kanpur and the Sanjay Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences here have joined hands to find the cause and treatment of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD).
GERD is a condition in which the esophagus becomes irritated or inflamed because of acid backing up from the stomach leading to malfunctioning of the stomach valve.
"IIT-K and SGPGIMS have entered into an agreement to find out the cause, precaution and treatment of the GERD. IITK will study bio-mechanics of the disease and try to find out the treatment of the disease with the help of SGPGI doctors", Associate professor, IITK, Anupam Pal said,
Pal along with SGPGI Gastroenterology department's Dr UC Ghoshal will be jointly studying the disease by monitoring the patients admitted here minutely.
Explaining how the disease affects the patient, Dr Ghoshal said the stomach produces hydrochloric acid after a meal to aid the digestion of food and due to the disease the process gets affected.
Due to the problem patients complain of heartburn, chest pain and trouble is swallowing, Ghoshal said, adding over five per cent of the country's population suffers from the disease, which could also lead to cancer.
"During the course of the study, SGPGI will collect information regarding patients with GERD and problems faced in their stomach valve. IIT-K would develop a special software to analyse its various aspects", Pal said.
The study by IIT will include-how much reverse stomach pressure opens the valve, the capillary action in the valve muscles, how to make it work again or replace it with artificial valve, he said.
The department of Biotechnology has sanctioned Rs one crore for the project.

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