Arunachal plans to make education compulsory for every child

Updated on: Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jarbom Gamlin said that his government wanted to ensure that education was made compulsory for each and every child.
"It is time that we seriously think of improving the literacy rate of our state which stands the second last in state-wise category," Gamlin said while addressing teachers and school children at a function here.
The function was organised to mark the distribution of free text books and uniforms to elementary school students under the Right to Education Act 2009.
Gamlin appealed to the education department to put together all effort for taking the state to the top position and put the onus on teachers and students to pursue the goal of education with dedication.
Asserting the initiative of providing incentives to the poor and needy students will curtail the rate of school dropouts, he hoped this would give a boost to the never enrolled children to attend schools, which would automatically increase the literacy rate.
He exhorted the principals and headmasters to check the increasing absenteeism of teachers and students in order to create a healthy learning and teaching atmosphere in schools.

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