Move to close hostels opposed

Updated on: Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Opposing the reported statement of Social Welfare Minister Pitani Satyanarayana that hostels with strength below 100 would be closed, students under the leadership of Dalita Hakkula Porata Samiti and AISF went on a dharna at the Colletorate on Monday.


When the students had tried to force their way into the collectorate, para-military forces present in good strength resorted to mild force and chased them away. They regrouped later and organised the dharna.

Criticising the move as hitting dalit and Backward Classes students, they said instead of increasing mess charges to meet the growing cost of food items, closure was being attempted in the name of “Green Channel.”


Allocating mere Rs.15 a day per head was inadequate and hostellers had to put up with lack of basic amenities.

The number of students joining the hostels would considerably improve if Rs.50 was allocated per each student.

Instead of taking such measures, the government's plan to merge four hostels and setting up one for 300 students and closing the other three was not justified, the student leaders said.

Porata samiti district general secretary B. Venkata Rao and AISF leader M. Srinivas addressed the students.

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