Good with numbers? Numerous opportunities awaiting for you

Updated on: Wednesday, June 22, 2011

From ancient ages the role of Mathematics has been an inevitable one. It plays vital role in many of the fields. Mathematics is all about numbers and symbols. Knowledge in mathematics is essential to understand wide variety of subjects. Starting from the school days it is because of this reason, Mathematics is acknowledged with prime importance.

Engineering, Technology, Physical sciences, Statistics, Computer Science, Commerce, Economics are some of the fields in which Mathematics has its footprints.


Branches of Mathematics : Mathematics can be classified into two different branches. Pure Mathematics and Applied Mathematics.


Pure mathematics deal with principles of mathematics. Wheras the applied mathematics is all about making use of mathematics to solve problems in other branch of studies.


Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Commerce, Research are the fields in which mathematics is applied to unravel mystery.


Nature of Job : Any mathematician, will have to venture jointly with various other departments in handling his job. Hence his approach should be rational, reasonable and flexible too. He should understand the physical dimensions and technicalities of the mathematical problems he encounters. And should also be efficient in handling them.


One branch of pure mathematics is Algebra. Algebra is the study of rules of operations and relations and the constructions and concepts arising from them, including terms, polynominals, equations, and algebraic structures. Algebra is one of the main branches of pure mathematics along with geometry, analysis, topology, combinatorics and number theory. Trignometry is is a branch of mathematics that studies triangles and the relationships between their sides and the angles between these sides.


Though mathematics is an inpidual subject, it is being applied in Physics, Chemistry. If a mathematician opts to become a research scholar, there are number of research institutions and universities that offers opportunities. If a mathematician is keen on teaching job, he can find a job in engineering colleges or any other educational institutions. He can also become a trouble shooter.


Mathematical experts from India are on high demand in the international arena. International financial institutions and other Multi National Research units offer lucrative jobs for them. Hence Mathematicians can always flourish in their field.

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