SSLC exams begins today

Updated on: Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Chennai: SSLC examination begins for 10th class under state board,about 8 lakh students are appearing

The state board students are fully geared up to take up SSLC examination today. Nearly 8,42,350 candidates will appear,in this majority are girl students about 4,16,512.

About 50,000 private candidates throughout the state will be taking their exams,..

The minister for school education Thangam Thennarasu sends a letter, wishing students  to perform best  in examination.He also give ideas, about  how to concentrate with the help of proper diet and sleep.

In  Puducherry, A total of 12,432 students, including 6346 girls, will appear for the SSLC examination. The examinations, to be held till April 8, would be conducted in 33 centres.

Puducherry adopted the academic curriculum of Tamil Nadu Board of Examinations.


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