India's major strength is higher education?

Updated on: Saturday, May 14, 2011

It was a proud moment for the parents of the 1,602 students of Sathyabhama University who on Wednesday received appointment orders to launch their careers in the corporate world.

The students, recruited by software and multinational companies during campus placements, received the appointment orders at the Achievers' Day function organised by the university. N. Ram, Editor-in-Chief, The Hindu, and Jeppiar, Chancellor of the private university, handed over the orders.


Mr. Jeppiar appealed to the students to spend their salaries wisely and not indulge in wasteful expenditure. “You have been our students for the past four years. From tomorrow, you have to be responsible children to your parents and responsible citizens of society,” he said.

Congratulating the teachers, placement officers and other staff on ensuring that a large number of students got jobs in premier companies, Mr. Jeppiar said it was the result of hard work over the past four years.

Mr. Ram said that India's major strength was higher education, especially in professional and technical education, which, he said, was the envy of the developing world. However, there were certain issues that had to be looked into. There were complaints of shortage of competent staff and poor infrastructure in higher educational institutions that had to be addressed. Faculty members had to be dedicated, competent, caring and should be restless in pursuit of excellences, which, Mr. Ram said, was the most important factor for success.

Recruiters complimented

Complimenting the recruiters, he said that the success in campus placements reflected the knowledge imparted to the students in educational institutions like Sathyabhama University. He lauded the private university, a Christian minority institution, for opening its gates and doors wide to all sections of society.

Mr. Ram said the university reflected the significant achievements made in pursuit of quality and excellence and added that Mr.Jeppiar had started the venture at a time when many thought it would not succeed. Its present stature would have brought Mr. Jeppiar a sense of great fulfilment.

A press release said 1,716 students had registered for the campus placement. A total of 118 companies had visited the campus and 1,602 students were placed, a placement percentage of 93.4.

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