Maha govt moves bill to put tab on fleecing of students

Updated on: Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Maharashtra Educational Institutions (Regulation of collection of fees) Bill intended to prevent commercialisation of education was introduced in the legislative Assembly.

Underlining salient features of the bill, School Education Minister Rajendra Darda said it (bill) aims to improve quality of education, protect students' interests besides preventing commercialisation of education.
"As per the provisions of the bill, the government will fix the manner in which fees are charged and will also regulate the fees charged by the state-run educational institutions and aided schools", he said.
As far as private schools are concerned, respective managements will have to submit details of the proposed fees, along with relevant records, to the executive committee for approval, at least eight months in advance before commencement
of the next academic year, Darda said.
Executive committee will have authority to decide the amount afresh in case of dispute, he added.
Expressing concern over the practise of charging exorbitant fees from students by educational institutions, the minister said it is causing frustration among meritorious students.
The national policy of education envisages that commercialisation of education and profiteering by the educational institutions should be curbed.
With a view to effectively curb this practise, the government  has decided to regulate collection of fees by educational institutions such as pre-primary, primary, secondary and higher secondary schools, junior colleges and diploma in teachers education colleges, Darda said.
Darda assured BJP legislator Devendra Phadanvis of making the bill an all-comprehensive one after he raised some objections.


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