A question of autonomy

Updated on: Monday, April 11, 2011

In a step to grant more freedom to selected education institutions, the ministry of human resource development has invited mixed reactions from the world of academia.

Colleges and research centres with a rich history, strong infrastructure and a large body of students are likely to be the beneficiaries of this proposal. While St Stephen's College, Delhi, has been identified to be granted an autonomous status, St Xavier's College, Kolkata, is already an autonomous institution, but it is not empowered to offer degrees. This proposal will allow the 150-year-old institution to do so.

The issue of autonomy arose after the ministry set up a panel to implement the recommendations of the Madhav Menon committee about autonomy in higher education — which suggested that top colleges be allowed to give degrees and conduct their independent examinations.

As Narendra Jadhav, member, Planning Commission, points out, "Autonomy will grant institutions with a good-track record more operational freedom. They can run the institutions without having to depend on the state or the central government."Choice of the institutions will be made on the basis of 'age' and 'quality' of education . These factors will be measured through the institution's accreditation ratings , student-performance , etc.

St Xavier's College, Mumbai, is one of the few colleges that was granted the autonomy status by the University Grants Commission (UGC) in 2010. Frazer Mascarenhas SJ, principal, St Xavier's College, Mumbai, states, "Academic autonomy in Indian Colleges gives the opportunity to design courses, frame the syllabus and continuously evaluate. This healthy environment has helped us attract high-quality faculty and a right student-mix ."

St Stephen's College currently falls under Delhi University and this association goes back a long way. Says Valson Thampu, principal, St Stephen's College, "We do not want to be isolated. We are a proud member of Delhi University. But we want to serve the nation with greater competency and thus welcome the move by the government."While Thampu adds that the college wants to elevate itself to the level of a postgraduate institution and has been urging Delhi University for the same, faculty members feel otherwise.

According to Nandita Narain, dean, St Stephen's College, "Being part of a larger university has its own benefits. It involves healthy exchange of faculty, participation in designing the syllabi, postgraduate teaching, etc. Also, students can be assessed on a broader platform with internal and external examinations conducted by the university. Autonomy will put a question mark on the academic freedom, as the college management will start controlling the institution."

Times of India

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