301 complaints against state medical institutions

Updated on: Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Medical Council of India has referred a total of 301 complaints against institutions and the medical fraternity to state medical councils, the maximum 45 of which are pending with the Delhi Medical Council.
After Delhi, it is the Uttar Pradesh state medical council with 41 pending cases.
The number of cases pending with Andhra Pradesh state medical council is 14, Maharashtra 25, West Bengal 26, Haryana 17, Gujarat 13 and Rajasthan 26, MCI sources said.
The least number of cases are pending with Goa which has received only one complaint from MCI. Uttarakhand has four cases with its state medical council.
The Medical Council of India is mandated with the task of regulating medical colleges and education. The major functions of MCI are maintenance of uniform standards of medical education both undergraduate and postgraduate, recommendation for recognition or de-recognition of medical qualifications of medical institutions of India or foreign countries.
The council received complaints from across the country on issues relating to both medical institutions as well as professionals.

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