Gujarat schools to use biometric system for attendance

Updated on: Monday, June 08, 2009

Gandhinagar: Primary schools run by municipal corporations in Gujarat will soon mark the attendance of teachers and students using the biometric system to ensure that the records are not fudged, an official in the chief minister's office said today.

The move comes after a directive issued by Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi to the chiefs of all seven municipal corporations in the state. It aims to completely revamp the educational system, the official said.

The directive has been issued after rising absenteeism of teachers and the growing number of dropouts in the municipal schools of the state.

In the directive, Modi has stated that the schools have to start looking for a software that records the attendance of teachers and students using biometrics. However, no deadline for installing the software has been mentioned, the official added.

The state government would monitor the attendance of teachers and students on a daily basis not only to check the dropout rate but also whether teachers are regularly present in schools. The biometric attendance data would have to be uploaded on to the websites by the school authorities on a daily basis.


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