VC promises a more student-friendly DU

Updated on: Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Delhi University Vice-Chancellor Dinesh Singh promised a slew of measures, including a 24-hour call centre and an upgraded website, to make the institution more student-friendly.
In a rare interactive session with the students, the Vice Chancellor also said that the semester system which had sparked a confrontation between the University administration and teachers association last year, will be introduced in all courses of the institution this year.
He said the University will soon begin a full-time call centre which will have a single number but several lines to help students in need of information or in an emergency.
"Besides, the University website will be upgraded to include a section of college news that will be updated by students of the respected colleges," he told the students in the North Campus meeting.
In good news for girl students of the University who have to find accommodations on their own, the Vice Chancellor also announced that a new girls hostel would be started from July.
"The hostel will have a capacity of 1500," Singh said. Paucity of residential spaces has been a major problem for students at the prestigious University.
Singh also said that patrolling will also be increased at the campus for the safety of students and that personnel will be equipped with first-aid kits and walkie-talkies.
The VC also responded to several queries by the students. When a student complained that the syllabi of the University was outdated, the Vice-Chancellor said this would change once the semester system is introduced this year.
"The semester system will be introduced in all courses this fall, and syllabi will automatically be revised," he said.
However, members of the Delhi University Students Union were unhappy over the fact that they were not invited to the session.
DUSU President Jitender Choudhary said they were representatives of the students, and the administration should not bypass them.

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