GoM on suggesting ways to strengthen vocational education

Updated on: Saturday, January 22, 2011

A group of state education Ministers will constituted to suggest ways for strengthening vocational education at all levels on the contours of the proposed National Vocational Education Qualifications framework (NVEQF).

The decision was taken at a meeting here to discuss policy reforms on vocational education and put in place a framework for the purpose.
HRD Minister Kapil Sibal, who chaired the meeting, told reporters on its sidelines that their aim is to frame up NVEQF by May-June this year.
"It is important that State education ministers support us in our endeavour," he said, adding, "If we want to prepare 50 crore children for employment, which is a 'national priority', then state and centre has to work together and industry should also cooperate."
India's national skill development policy aims to train 50 crore people by 2022.
This was the second meeting with the state governments on the issue. The first meeting held a month back, failed to make any headway as a handful of states had turned up.
Today's meeting was attended by 17 State Ministers and Secretaries, heads of UGC, AICTE, IGNOU, NCERT, NUEPA, CBSE and NIOS and representatives from National Skill Development Corporation and from industry associations ASSOCHAM, CII and FICCI.
The vocational framework would set common principles and guidelines for a nationally recognized qualification system, covering schools, vocational education institutes and institutes of higher education with qualifications ranging from secondary to doctorate level, leading to international recognition of national standards.
"The framework will be a competency based modular approach with provision for credit accumulation and transfer. Students would have the scope for vertical and horizontal mobility with multiple entry and exits," said a statement issued by the Ministry.
A view emerged that the educational institutions could allow its premises to be used after working hours for skill development, the statement said.
Earlier, the HRD Ministry had also held consultations with several sectors on the vocational education curriculum framework.

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