Bihar to introduce transparent procedure to appoint VCs

Updated on: Thursday, January 06, 2011

Amid allegations of corruption in appointment of of Vice Chancellors and pro-vice chancellors, Bihar government today decided to adopt 'a transparent'
procedure for such appointments, besides setting up a board for recruitment of lecturers in universities.
State Human Resources Department Minister P K Sahi said a transparent procedure will be adopted for appointments of VCs and Pro-VCs with request made to the Governor, as the Chancellor of universities, to take the department into confidence.
A four-member committee set up by the HRD has recommended a set procedure for appointment of VCS, Pro-VCs and other key persons, including registrars, controllers of examinations in universities, he said.
The panel has suggested constitution of a search committee, as prevalent in other states, for listing names of prospective candidates.
They should be university professors with at least ten years of teaching, research and administrative experience, the committee suggested so in its report.
Sahi said similarly, the state government was of firm view that the lecturers of colleges and universities be appointed by a commission/board for which a suitable law will be brought in the state legislature during the budget session.
The commission will comprise experts on all subjects and ensure that jobs were given to meritorious aspirants, he said.
Senior JD(U) leader Shivanand Tiwari yesterday alleged that corruption was "rampant" in Bihar's higher education sector and called upon Sahi to take immediate effective measures to check the menace.

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