Sarkozy welcomes Indian students for higher studies in France

Updated on: Tuesday, December 07, 2010

French President Nicolas Sarkozy today wooed Indian students to study in his country, citing opportunities in the field of cutting-edge research.

In an address at ISRO Satellite Centre here on the first day of his India visit, he said India's youth are eager to seek higher education and tens of thousands of young Indians are studying abroad mostly in English-speaking countries.
"I would like to reiterate France's wish to expand ties with Indian universities, we are providing special support to the Indian Institute of Technology Rajasthan, in Jodhpur," he said.
"France also wants to host more Indian students. It can educate and train young Indians in cutting-edge research," the French President said.
Stating that the Fields Medals awarded in Hyderabad a few weeks ago testify to the excellence of French scientists, he added that university reform and research he has commissioned are bearing fruit, and he invited India's youth to learn more
about it.
"We have also established a specific system to accommodate foreign students in France. I hope that by 2012 we will have tripled the number of Indian students in France, compared with 2007," Sarkozy said

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