Quality crisis affects Indian education: expert

Updated on: Wednesday, December 01, 2010

A quality crisis affects Indian education and the solution does not lie in inputs alone but in also ensuring proper infrastructure facilities as lack of these is often the reason for dropouts, opines an expert.

''The Rabbani School project (in Susera village) is a perfect example of successful partnership to uplift the community in which it operates,'' Geneva-based development organisation Action de Soutien à l'Enfance Demunie (ASED) Director (Operations) Andrea Siclari today said in a statement.

The School celebrated completion of an infrastructure expansion project to improve the learning environment. Cargill has funded the project that includes construction and furnishing of six additional classrooms and sanitary facilities as well as provision of a new school bus. The project was executed in partnership with ASED.

The improvements will enable children from adjoining villages -- particularly girls -- to reach the school and benefit from quality education in safe, hygienic and comfortable surroundings.

Zila Parishad Chairperson Prema Devi Ram Varan Singh Gurjar inaugurated the facilities in the presence of Cargill India Dir (Corporate Affairs) Ishteyaque Amjad who said, ''we want to help nourish India's people and possibilities through programmes that improve nutrition, health, education and livelihood.

''Our goal is to bring measurable improvement to the communities where we live and work. We hope that our support to the School will help education and skill development of underprivileged children in rural areas,'' he added. 


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