IIM-K to sign MoU with 10 Chinese universities

Updated on: Monday, November 01, 2010

Indian Institute of Management-Kozhikode will soon be signing MoUs with 10 top Chinese universities, a top official of the institute said today.
IIM-K had recently signed a tripartite agreement with US' Yale university IIM-K Director, Debashish Chatterjee told told reporters, adding "We are not only looking at the US, we are also looking at the East."
The Institute presently has collaborations with 20-25 foreign universities which is likely to go up to 50 in a year's time, said Chatterjee, who recently returned after a four-day visit to China.
The tripartite MoU entered between the Yale university, IIM-K and IIT-Kanpur, to launch the Yale India Leadership Programme, would expose university and academia leaders in India at the level of Vice Chancellors and Deans to the best practises of academic institutional management in the US.
As per the agreement, two Centres of Excellence in Academic Leadership (CEEAL) would be set up at IIM-K campus and IIT Kanpur for starting a leadership programme to train national and international faculty, Deans, Directors and Vice Chancellors, he said.
The five year collaboration with Yale university will permit launching of a series of exchange programmes in academic leadership for faculty development and leadership training between Yale and CEEAL.
The funding is likely to be from US President Barack Obama's Obama Knowledge Initiative. This would be finalized during Obama's visit to India next month.
As per the agreement, the institute will appoint two members to a joint management committee to supervise the collaborative efforts.
The committee would meet when necessary to review progress of implementation of activities, define new areas and programmes of collaboration and other aspects of the MoU like funding issues.

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