TSI partners with Q2AMedia to develop their first Pre-K books programme

Updated on: Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Mumbai: Q2AMedia, a leader in education content development for children (pre-K to grade 12) has been chosen by Teaching Strategies based in the US, to develop content for their new pre-K programme. The programme involves developing curriculum-linked fiction and non-fiction books in multiple languages for pre-schools. The pre-K programme will be developed over a period of ten months. Apart from the books, the programme will also include e-books and material for Interactive Whiteboards. This programme will be introduced to the market in mid 2010.
Speaking about this programme, Sudhir Singh Dungarpur, CEO, Q2AMedia said, “Our excellent record of creating high quality products for the international education market is responsible for us being chosen to develop this programme. Quality and reputation, rather than simply cost advantage, were the most important deciding factors. Our customer chose us because of our track record for fast-paced full service development and a team that had the right experience required for such a programme.”
Dungarpur added, “The total market size for such programmes in the core education area in the US is estimated around USD 800—900 million. This is a programme where we are engaged from the planning stage right through to finished files for print. Every educational publisher today is looking at high quality, cost-effective, full service solutions. We are the only player that has repeatedly demonstrated successfully that high quality, core-curriculum content can be developed by an Indian company using a global workforce.”
Larry Bram, VP, Strategic Initiatives and Publisher, Teaching Strategies added, “We needed help to develop a large number of books in multiple languages with e-book versions in a short time. We were looking for a partner who understood the education market, shared our business philosophy and was capable of high-quality production—and Q2AMedia fit the bill. That it is based in India was merely incidental.”
As per industry sources, the revenues from Indian publishing off-shoring are slated to grow from USD 440 million in 2006 to approx USD 1.46 billion in 2010. There were an estimated 26,000 employees in this space in 2006 and this number is expected to grow to 74,000 by 2010. Most players in the publishing offshore space work mainly in the STM, typesetting and xml conversion areas. Industry sources believe that Q2AMedia is perhaps the only one-of-its-kind education content development company based in a region outside of North America and Europe. Q2AMedia, which started as the pioneer in creative outsourcing, is today a complete development house in the pre-K—12 market that focuses on both print and digital content. The company competes mainly with large editorial and design content development firms in the US and UK. Last year Q2AMedia became the largest full service packager in the world in the School and Library segment.
Q2AMedia has a global team of learning experts, teachers, reading level consultants, writers, editors, designers and illustrators who have experience in developing high quality content targeted at the pre-K to 12 market.


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