Prevent yourself from flu

Updated on: Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Flu is an infection of your airways. It's caused by the flu virus. Flu is normally worse than a common cold, and it can make you feel very ill.

Flu stands for influenza. Three types of influenza virus: A, B, and C. are prevelant.  Types A and B can make you very ill. Type A is the world's most common flu virus.It usually makes you more ill than type B. Type C isn't normally very serious.

The flu virus lives in your nose, your throat, and the air passages leading to your lungs. You usually get a fever, body aches, chills, and a dry cough. The flu virus can also cause more serious problems, such as pneumonia.

When you're infected with a virus, your immune system tries to fight it. If you've recovered from a virus before, your body will know how to deal with it in the future. This means that you won't get ill if you come into contact with the same virus again.

But the influenza virus changes all the time.This is called mutation. So you can catch the flu even if you've had it the year before.

Flu spreads very easily from person to person. You can get it from people who cough, sneeze, or talk near you.You can get the flu from someone while they are ill or a few days before they have any symptoms.

Flu symptoms usually come on quickly. They can make you feel very ill. It can drain off all your energy, leaving you feeble. Sometimes getting infected during exam days can upset your schedule, leaving you helpless.

Some of the symptoms are :

Fever (about 38°C to 40°C)
A dry cough
Muscle aches
Sore throat
Feeling extremely tired.

Some may not have all of these symptoms. But they're more likely to become very ill.

Through a small test your doctor will probably decide whether you have flu. But most people won't need these tests.

Most people don't need to see a doctor if they have flu. The best thing to do is to stay at home, rest, and drink plenty of fluids. Paracetamol can help with aches or fever.

Most people get better from the flu in about one week.

Best remedy is to take rest, drink plenty of fluids and take an over-the-counter medicine such as paracetamol. Children under 16 shouldn't take aspirin, because it can be dangerous.

Even after other symptoms go away you may still be tired and cough for one or two week. But dont worry.

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