IITs, IIMs, CUs, PVT institutes hail foreign university bill

Updated on: Wednesday, March 17, 2010

New Delhi: Higher educational institutions, including IITs and IIMs, today hailed the government's go ahead for a bill to allow entry of foreign education providers in India and sought to allay any threat posed by the institutions from abroad.
After the Cabinet approved the Foreign Educational Institution (Regulation of Entry and Operation) Bill, 2010, these institutions appeared upbeat about prospects of entry of foreign universities in India.
"At the level of IITs, we welcome such a move. We have no apprehension about the entry of such institutions," Prof Gautam Baruah, Director IIT Guwahati, told.
As apprehensions have been raised over the possibility of IIT and IIM faculty joining the foreign institutions, he said, some faculty may join them but majority would prefer to continue with the IITs.
"Money is not the only matter which would attract the faculty. A right environment is important. It takes huge time and effort in setting up a institute of IIT standards. It will
take years for them to come to that level," he said.
"There may be some faculty who will join the foreign institutions. But that will not be an issue," Baruah added.  IIM Lucknow Director Prof Devi Singh said it is a good move and will help bring internationally reputed education
providers to India.
"It is important that the foreign institutions entering India offer the same degrees and diplomas that they are offering back home. This will help ensure that the certification provided by them in India will have the same value internationally as their current qualification," Singh said.
They need to follow the same curriculum and quality of education, which they provide in their own countries, he said.
Delhi University Vice Chancellor Prof Deepak Pental said there is nothing to worry about the entry of foreign institutions to India.
"This will help Indian institutions to come up to global education standard. Indian institutions have better human resource and government is supporting quiet well," he said.
Pental did not rule out some faculty joining the foreign institutions.
"But I do not see very big research taking place in the new foreign institutions to be set up in India. Most of them may come in subjects like management and law. I do not think they will be interested to come in Science and Technology," Pental said.
Private institutions like Indian School of Business welcomed the move.
"We have always believed that the best public policy for improving educational institutions is to enable and encourage competition. The introduction of this bill allowing FDI into India seems to be a step in the right direction," said Ajit Rangnekar, Dean, ISB.
"I am not aware of the details of the bill, but would hope that the provisions applicable to foreign universities are also extended to Indian Institutions of high calibre, and that we have a level, competitive, growth oriented playing field," he said.
Foreign Universities like Yale has welcomed the move of the government.
"It will increase quality and access in the Indian education system. It is an opportunity programme for the foreign universities," George Joseph, assistant secretary for International Affairs of Yale University, has said.
Though Yale has no immediate plan for setting up a campus here, it has entered into more than 50 collaborations in India and is interested for more such partnerships, said Joseph, who is currently visiting the country.

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