Opt for peaceful ways to agitate

Updated on: Monday, December 14, 2009

Every body in particular young activists have to realize that violence should not be a part of emotional agitation. Any loss to Government is loss to society. Many countries still remember the non-violence path chosen by Gandhiji in attaining independent India. Being representatives of him, how far it is correct to choose the path of violence?

Due to lack of proper leadership among students they are unable to take intellectual moves in many issues. No doubt students are part of politics. At the same time they should realise the importance of staying united.

Prathyusha Gudipudi,


Students are the first ever entities supposed to come to the fore if some need arises to achieve a public significant policy. But unfortunately, the recent issue of Telangana brought up students in a different way. This is particularly due lack of proper guidance and leadership. Students should realise of what they are doing and the way they do is correct or wrong. Students are to build up the nation.

Ch. Mannappa Raju

College of veterinary sciences,


Students resorting to violence through pelting stones, setting buses on fire, smashing private vehicles and attacking commuters is not condemnable. Students must have the right perspective on the current political scenario. Students cutting across regional lines have to contemplate the key issues involved in demanding the statehood for Telangana and then decide upon whether to go for agitation or not.

In lieu of violent agitations, peaceful ways of protests and dharnas can be opted. Debates and monthly students' activities pertaining to the present political affairs is a best platform to air their views over the key issues and get them to the government's notice.

Dinesh Reddy Sarasani,

Vignan Institute of Technology and Science

The people of Telangana in particular TRS party want Telangana as a separate state. Violence is a part of emotional agitations. Students can stay away from violence and yet lead a movement. The university students alone should not do this. They should bring awareness among the people in the villages and lead a movement together with the sympathizers of Telangana by staying away from violence. The student leaders of this era lack the intellectual capabilities to lead a movement like the leaders of 60's and 70's.

Pentapati Ramya,


The chief reason for violence in Hyderabad was due to the emotional agitation from many sources like political parties, media and press etc. Students must stay away from all these sorts of activities that lead to unnecessary destruction. Students must think about it without any influence from anyone as to why at all they need a separate State “Telangana”?

As students it's we who have to take correct decisions and act accordingly to maintain peace and harmony for everybody's well-being. Apparently, it's our call on taking action in such a way that we need not resort to these worthless activities like violence.

P. Udaya Bharathi,

A.S. Rao Nagar, Hyderabad

I feel there is no other way better than the Ghandhian approach to achieve results in any political matter. Students must keep up this point and work towards any kind of political agitation in the sense that they help the public to restore to normal life rather than they themselves affecting the normal life. We have seen that educational institutions have turned out to be a hub for violent political agitations.

What is the difference between extremists and students in their way of achieving any fruitful result? Violent ways are also costing to their precious lives which are an unbearable loss to their parents.

Prathyusha Rupakula


Students play a vital role in shaping the future of the country. Politicians are taking advantage of this and drawing students' attention towards political issues. But students should contribute their power in a descent and responsible manner.

The condition of students in the recent Telangana issue was really pathetic. Students should realize that they are spoiling themselves and also about their parents dreams. Taking part in political issues is really a good job, as one should always feel like a responsible citizen. But violence is not only the way to it and aggressiveness is not a part of it.

Shehnaz Khatoon,


Telangana issue and students' involvement in it has become the talk of the town. But the procedure they follow is not streamlined and it can even be marked as atrocious. Public properties are ruined and burnt by today's youth, who are expected to be the pillars of future India.

Lack of proper leadership among students' community has brought forth ordeal to the public who had became the pathetic victims for their rudeness and atrocity. Rather than being aggressive in approach, students can tackle the issue by being polite, following the footsteps of Gandhiji's Non-violence and pursuing the actions of great leaders of 60s and 70s.


I B.Tech, SITAMS, Chittoor

In my opinion there is no need for students to create violence in the society. The ongoing Telangana agitation, the violent protests and the two day bandh has turned Hyderabad as a ghost town. Not only in Hyderabad nowadays in Vizag, the students started taking up rallies protesting against the separation.

There is no need for the students to take the path of violence when they have the power of taking the movement intellectually. Student communities of this generation lack in unity. They are more carried away by all the odds. The violence is purely because of the emotional agitation.

Ramya. R,

Visakha Institute Of Engineering and Technology, Visakhapatnam

I would like to tell here there is no question of blaming the students communities and their capabilities for the ongoing violence. Since forty years or even more what they are doing asking for separate telangana but in return what they are getting tears, agony, violence etc.and it is not that they have not taken the path of ahimsa and not have runs the movements intellectually. I would like to mention here why the state of Bihar,M.P,U,P have been divided in a short span of time but the long time demand for the division of A.P is still on. Everything is politically motivated. It's just shame for the government many happy families are dispersing into sorrow, woe etc.

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