Preparing world leaders

Updated on: Monday, November 02, 2009

The 21st Century has presented the world with several challenges. From the reconstruction of post-conflict societies and creation of markets in
emerging economies to the analysis of terrorist threats and the promotion of human rights, today’s issues transcend borders and disciplines. Common to all these challenges are the connections between history, politics and culture. The Fletcher School, Tufts University, US, is known for its collaborative and cross-disciplinary approach to examine the shifting geopolitical landscape and how it affects decision-making on a global scale.

Founded in 1933, a Fletcher education is designed to be flexible as it is rigorous. Yet, within the rigour, students are encouraged to explore. “The school offers a variety of degree programmes that enables a student to tailor his/her education to meet specific international interest or career goals,” said Stephen W Bosworth, dean of the school. Further elaborating on the strength of the school, he added, “We have a strong faculty that collaborates across disciplines to keep the curriculum updated and dynamic.” Though known as the Fletcher School of Law Diplomacy, Bosworth pointed out that it is a non-law school.

The school has launched two new degree programmes — Master of International Business (MIB), two years, and LLM in International Law, one year. “While the MIB curriculum is a unique hybrid of international business and international affairs, the LLM in International Law addresses the historical, political, cultural and economic framework within which contemporary international lawyers operate,” said Bosworth.

According to Deborah Winslow Nutter, senior associate dean, the Fletcher student body represents more than 75 countries; students come from a wide range of professional and academic backgrounds. “We teach our students to see the world through people’s eyes,” she added.

Bosworth said the school is keen to have 10 excellent students from India every year. Also, they hope to expand their collaborations with management institutions in India to facilitate student exchange. The school currently has a student exchange programme with the Indian School of Business (ISB) in Hyderabad.

Shashi Tharoor, an alumnus of Fletcher School, while sharing his experience said: “Education is not about a well-filled mind; it is about a well-formed mind. Education should train students on how to think and approach the world. And this is the education I got at Fletcher.” Tharoor was the youngest student to get a PhD at the age of 22 from Fletcher and he received the Robert B Stewart prize for best student.


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