Update knowledge, teachers told

Updated on: Monday, October 26, 2009

The third graduation day of Karpagam College of Education was held at the Karpagam University premises recently. R. Karpaga Kumaravel, Chancellor, Madurai Kamaraj University, was the chief guest. He said the road map of higher education of India should follow the system of virtual mode of learning. He urged the teachers to keep themselves updated in their respective disciplines.

The EEE Department of Info Institute of Engineering conducted a seminar on “Management System Awareness Programme”. It was organised jointly with the Bureau of Indian Standards. Various experts spoke on topics related to the theme. Students were informed on the standards in industries, overview of the Bureau and management systems with respect to manufacturers and product standards. A magazine “Techzine” was released on the occasion.

The Association “Bioxplorer” of the Department of Bioinformatics of Kongunadu Arts and Science College was launched recently. P.R. Padma, Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, Avinashilingam University for Women, inaugurated the association and spoke on “Microarray Data Analysis”. She said the subject had wide scope for bioinformatics professionals. The Government of India had approved a large grant for research in the field of microarray technology, realising its wide applicability, she added.

The School of Biotechnology of SNMV College of Arts and Science conducted a group debate on “Impact of Genetically Modified Food”. One group spoke on the advantages and the wide-spread applications in biological and medical research, production of pharmaceutical drugs, experimental medicine, etc. The opposite group said the genetic engineering of food and its products was inherently dangerous for humans, animals and the environment at large. The moderator came to the conclusion that genetically modified crops were needed, but considering the ethical and health issues.

The Department of Food Science and Nutrition of the Avinashilingam University for Women observed the World Breast Feeding Week. Various events were planned on the basis of the theme “Breast Feeding - A Vital Emergency Response. Are You Ready” Various resource persons spoke on the theme and stressed the importance of breast feeding. Students were informed that more than two-third infant deaths were associated with inappropriate feeding practices during the firs t year of birth. Importance of giving colostrum, the first milk secreted for nutrient potential was also stressed.

The Eco Club of the Department of Management of Dr. G.R. Damodaran College of Science organised a lecture on “Environmental Awareness”. K. Kalidasan, President, OSAI, was the chief guest. He pointed out the various issues related to the environmental degradation. Even developed nations were realising the value of preserving flora and fauna and were taking consistent efforts to prevent its erosion.

The Department of Electronics and Communication Systems of Sri Krishna Arts and Science College launched the Ecsnova Samskriti - the Yoga, Science, Arts and Sports Clubs. P. Arulmozhivarman, Associate Professor, Vellore Institute of Technology, inaugurated the Samskriti and spoke on the importance of developing the inner growth of students to make them complete human beings and bring out their potential without being in conflict with the rest of the existence.

The Department of Mechatronics Engineering of Kumaraguru College of Technology organised a symposium “Matrix 2009” recently. Ananth Seshan, Chairman and Managing Director, Fifth Generation Technologies Private Limited, Chennai, was the chief guest. The events included paper presentation, project display, quiz, 3D modelling, and display of robotic equipment. More than 300 participants took part. The prizes for the various events were distributed by S. Asokan, Ge neral Manager, District Industries Centre, Coimbatore.

Engineers’ Day was celebrated at Easa College of Engineering and Technology. V. Selladurai, Principal, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, said the convergence of technology, controlling of finance, research and development, use of latest technology, preservation of water, use of solar energy system, zero waste, etc., would solve the problems faced by humans. Students were told that the day was to commemorate the eminent Indian engineer M. Visvesvarya.

The School of Hotel Management and Catering Science of AJK College of Arts and Science conducted a workshop on Kashmiri Pandit Cuisine. Suman Kaul, Kashmiri Food Consultant, guided the students in preparing Veth Chaman, Razmah Dal Achar, and other such items that were the mainstay of Kashmiri pandits.


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