Private school fee hike dealt after election: TN

Updated on: Monday, April 06, 2009

Chennai: The TN Govt has decided to handle the private school fees hike little later after the elections, according to a press release.
According to the release, parents face too many problem and are affected by private schools hiking fees outrageously, but the government doesn't seem to show any restrain towards this issue.

Before the implementation of Chitti Babu committee's recommendations to tackle such menace, the Supreme Court passed a judgment that the private schools had the authority to decide on fees or salaries of teachers, the release said.

District-wise officials were nominated to look into donations and other payments collected by private schools during admissions and to take stringent action private schools that had taken excessive donations.

As the Supreme Court had issued judgment regarding this, the State Govt could not interfere.

The government would be able to take a decision on tackling this issue legally only after the elections, said a release.


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