JNUSU protests HRD Ministry decision on fees

Updated on: Friday, October 09, 2009


New Delhi: Accusing the govt of commercialising public-funded institutes, the student's union of JNU protested the decision of the HRD Ministry.


  Hundreds of students held a protest demonstration here to oppose implementation of a recent circular from HRD Ministry which said the government would reduce the non-plan expenditure to universities by 10 per cent this year.

The circular asked the Central educational institutions to generate additional resources by raising the students' fees and reducing subsidy on hostel charges. The circular also asked the institutes to levy user charges on different facilities.

The students marched to the HRD Ministry, demanding immediate withdrawal of the circular. Students from Jamia Millia and Delhi University also participated in the protest march.

The protesters alleged the government was denying access to education to millions of poor students. The students also submitted a memorandum to oppose the decision.


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