Discovery of a bug from website

Updated on: Thursday, September 05, 2013

Arulkumar of Salem, a 21 year old Engineering graduate get a reward of Rs.21 lacs for discovering a bug on a social Net work site.

Of course,  Arul Kumar is in search of job in Chennai always interested in the security of frequently used websites like Google and Facebook. He used to test to identify bugs.  It is how, he found if photos uploaded on Face book by a user could be remove it.

The Facebook also has an option that asks the user who uploaded the picture to remove it.  When Arul tested the feature, it turned out the request to remove the picture was sent to the person who wanted it removed and not to the one who uploaded it and it was bug found by him.

His claim was initially rejected by face book and later after witnessing Arul’s video film accepted the bug and agreed to pay $1500/.


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