AMU celebrates the 195th birth anniversary of its founder

Updated on: Monday, October 22, 2012

On the occasion of the 195th birth anniversary of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, Former Union Minister and Congress Rajya Sabha member Mohsina Kidwai called upon the Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) community to face challenges of the contemporary times by adapting to changes.
"No society can survive by remaining static. The founder of AMU, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, was a champion of change and heralded a new vision for Muslim society in the 19th century," Kidwai said while addressing a large gathering of teachers and students here.
If AMU has to successfully counter the challenges posed by the entry of private educational institutions from India and abroad, then it was imperative that the great centre of learning should create a new vision by re-evaluating its goals and rapidly introduce courses in tune with the future.
AMU Vice-Chancellor Lt General (Retd) Zameer Uddin Shah said the University was entering a fresh era by exploring new vistas of knowledge, adding that it will always remain a citadel of secularism and modern education in the days ahead.
The University also felicitated winners of the All India Essay Writing Competition on the occasion.
The winner of this year's essay contest on "Sir Syed's vision and the establishment of off campus centres of AMU" Avinash Ranjan from Gaya, Bihar, was given a cash prize of Rs 25,000 and a citation.

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