NITs to find ways to tackle faculty shortage issue

Updated on: Monday, September 17, 2012

 Facing faculty shortage, National Institutes of Technology (NITs) have decided to find out innovative approaches to address the issue.
In a step towards realising the recommendations of the Ramaswami Committee, NITs have also sought for greater interface with the industry, sources said.
At the NIT council meeting chaired by HRD Minister Kapil Sibal, it was decided on greater interface with the industry to meet the future goals and aspirations of these premier institutes.
While endorsing the Ramaswami Committee recommendations last year, the NIT Council had deliberated upon on various policy issues plaguing the NIT system in relation to the appointment of faculty and non-faculty staff, and career advancement scheme in respect of teaching staff.
It was decided that four-tier flexible system for faculty appointment, as existing in the IIT system, be introduced in NITs as well.

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