535 engineering colleges to be affiliated with Anna University to follow one syllabus across the state

Updated on: Monday, July 23, 2012

Tamil Nadu Government said 535 engineering colleges would be affiliated with the Anna University enabling students to follow one syllabus across the state.

This initiative would enable students to take up higher studies at the global level, a government release said. "The 535 engineering colleges located in Coimbatore, Tirunelveli, Chennai, Tiruchirapalli and Madurai will be converted into Anna University affiliated colleges", the release said.
For administration purposes, the release said, zonal offices would be set up in Tiruchirapalli, Coimbatore, Tirunelveli and Madurai respectively.
In future all the examinations would be conducted by Anna University's 17 regional offices located across the State.
Since all engineering colleges are being brought under one Board, students would be able to follow one mode of syllabus providing them an opportunity to take up higher studies at the global level, the release added.

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