AICTE to promote research across industries

Updated on: Monday, June 25, 2012

All India Council for Technical Education said it will build research parks, one in each state, to promote research across industries.

AICTE Chairman S S Mantha said while inaugurating AICTE-CII University-Industry Congress 2012 here, the council would provide Rs 1 crore as seed money, while industry would have to provide a matching grant for the parks, to be set up on premises of an Institution, at least in a 3,000 square foot area. 
AICTE wanted such parks in every state, and the industry can form a cluster and do extensive research on their needs with the assistance of the selected institutions, he said.
Expressing concern over the declining quality of higher education, Mantha said there is a need to create a curriculum so that both the sectors, higher education and industry, grow together to achieve the desired quality.
Nandhini Rangaswamy, chairperson, Education Forum, CII Southern Region, said the industry chamber, in partnership with AICTE, has launched a survey of industry linkages of engineering institutes.
Engineering institutes and engineering departments of the universities in six streams of Chemical, civil, computer and IT, electrical, electronics and communication and mechanical engineering are eligible to take part in the survey, she said.
Their industry linkages would be captured and feedback analysed to arrive at best institutes in every stream, Nandhini said.

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