Germany passes new act relaxing job norms for foriegn students

Updated on: Thursday, June 21, 2012

A new Act has been passed by the German government by which foreign students will be permitted to do odd-jobs for 120 days instead of 90 days per year.

After graduation they will be allowed to stay in the country for 18 months instead of 12 months to seek employment.

Speaking to reporters on Tuesday, Dr Stefan Weckbach, the German Consul General in Chennai, said that a couple of weeks ago the German Parliament had passed a new legislature based on European Union directives to facilitate employment of foreign students in Germany.

“We now have a large pool of ageing population and lack a young, skilled work force. The rules which were restrictive have been liberalised and some thresholds have been diminished,” he said.

Pointing out that students no longer had to seek approval from the German Federal Employment Agency, the Consul General said that they would be eligible for settlement permits and an indefinite right of residence as early as after two years.

“Last year 25 per cent more Indian students went to Germany. From Asia, India is next to China in the number of students studying in Germany. Of the 1.5 lakh foreign students in the country, about 15,000 are from China and 5,500 are Indian students,” he said.

Dr Weckbach added that at the end of this year India and Germany would hold a joint higher education summit to share expertise and knowledge in higher education.

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