Global management conference at IIM-C

Updated on: Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta (IIM-C) would organise a global management conference inviting management gurus from all over the world.

The Institutes chairman of Board of Governors, Ajit Balakrishnan, said at the convocation ceremony, "The Ministry of Human Resources has requested IIM, Calcutta, to take the lead in organising a world management conference."
To be held later this year or early next year at the institute's campus, this conference "will do for IIMs and Indian management schools what the Literature Festival at Jaipur has done for Indian writing," Balakrishnan said.
IIM-C Director Prof Shekhar Chaudhuri said they were in the process of collaborating with some top-ranking institutions such as US-based Fox School of Business of Temple University and Heinz School of Carnegie Mellon University.
"We have also started dialogues with some of our existing partners to explore opportunities for expanding our relationships from student exchange to include faculty exchange, joint research, joint conferences/workshops and other collaborative efforts," Chaudhuri said.
Ranked as one of the top ten B-schools of the country, IIM-C has partnership with 48 leading B-schools of the world with whom they conduct regular student exchange programmes.
The Director said attracting and retaining quality faculty was the biggest challenge IIMs were facing, adding, that, to solve the problem IIM-C would launch a one-year advanced teachers programme after creating the infrastructure.
"Strengthening of the fellowship programme is one route to augment future supply of teachers. Another route is to train and refresh existing teachers in non-IIM management institutions or facilitate mid-career executives who may desire to move into academia," Chaudhuri said.

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