Students upset over postponement of exams

Updated on: Monday, February 06, 2012

Resentment prevails among a section of engineering students in Jai Narayan Vyas University here following its decision to postpone examinations in view of a youth festival.
"We had prepared according to the original time table but now, since examinations have been postponed, we will have to bear the examination stress for an extended period and that too for the sake of a youth festival," said an affected student.
The University has postponed the semester examinations of III year engineering students to February 11 after some NSUI student leaders appealed to the vice chancellor to accommodate the youth festival which was clashing with exams, Dean (Engineering Faculty), DGM Purohit said.
"These examinations were schedule to start from February 2, but were postponed following the directions of the vice chancellor, who was approached by the student union leaders," he said.

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