MCI to receive applications for new medical colleges earlier

Updated on: Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Chennai: To establish new medical colleges, the Medical Council of India (MCI) has decided to advance its schedule for receiving and processing applications.

From the next academic year, the MCI will complete all inspection formalities and submit its recommendation to the central government for issuing Letter of Permission to start a new college by May 15. The central government will grant its approval latest by June 15 every year instead of the existing July 15.
As the council had to carry out several inspections in the last minutes, a decision was taken at the MCI executive council meeting in New Delhi last month, since many new institutions had the tendency of 'delaying the inspection process as much as possible.'
Due to this delaying tactics more than 100 inspections have to be carried out between April 15 and June 10. This period also coincides with the summer vacation in medical colleges and we run short of experienced staff who can be roped-in for carrying out the inspections. As a result the MCI is forced to conduct the inspections quickly, a MCI official explained.
The MCI has also taken note of the Graduate Medical Education Regulations, which envisage that the first round of admission process in various states have to be completed by July 25.
In the present schedule the last date prescribed to issue Letter of Permission / Renewal of Permission is July 15. Very little time is left for incorporation of those colleges that are granted LOP/Renewal of Permission by the central government by July 15. If the stage of sending the recommendations by the MCI to the central government is advanced by a month to May 15 and subsequent grant of LOP to June 15, sufficient time will be available for various authorities to conduct the counselling for admission in a fair and transparent manner without disturbing the schedule of the admission process, a note placed before the council stated.
The executive committee approved these changes and also decided not to grant renewal of permission to colleges that fail to adhere to this amended schedule in the future.

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