UGC asks varsities to prepare own plans for seeking grants

Updated on: Tuesday, January 24, 2012

In a step towards granting more autonomy to universities, the UGC has asked them to prepare their own proposals for seeking funds from it for development purpose.

So far, expert committees deputed by the University Grants Commission (UGC) used to visit the varsities to assess their financial needs, based on which funds were allocated to them.
"The past experience shows us that this procedure invariably resulted in delayed communication of financial allocations to the universities by UGC due to variety of factors," UGC chairman Ved Prakash said in a letter to the vice chancellors.
Citing this as one of the major reasons for discontinuing with the practice, he said the existing procedure led to delayed implementation of programmes and under-utilisation of funds by the varsities.
So, from now on "universities will have complete autonomy to prepare their perspective plan and after getting it duly approved by the statutory authorities, it may be submitted to the UGC", Prakash said in his letter.
He said the measure could help the proposals emanating at the level of inpidual faculty in the university and pass through the departmental advisory board, board of studies, academic council, finance committee and the executive council.
"It is hoped that the confidence reposed by the UGC will provide greater autonomy to the university, besides ensuring objectivity and transparency, ownership and accountability," he said. 

He also suggested the vice chancellors to initiate the process of formulation of 12th Five Year Plan proposals with the thrust being on inclusiveness and quality expansion of higher education.
The vice chancellors have been asked to submit the proposals to the UGC by March 15.
They have been asked to develop two parallel scenarios one with a hike of three times of the funds allocated in the 11th Plan, while another with a hike of five times in that duration.

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