Bengal urged to introduce Bodo as MIL in educational institutions

Updated on: Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Bodo Sahitya Sabha (BSS) has urged West Bengal government to introduce Assam's ethnic Bodo as a major Indian language (MIL) in the educational institutions of the state for Bodo students.
Addressing the 51st conference of BSS here, the ethic literary body's President Dr. Kameswar Brahma said a delegation of the BSS would be soon discussing the matter with West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee.
The main purpose of the conference was to convince the state government for an early introduction of Bodo as a MIL in West Bengal as 50,000 Bodo students were studying in the state, Dr Brahma said while hoisting the BSS flag.
He said the right of Bodo students stood guaranteed under the Right To Education 2009 Bill which should be honoured through introduction of Bodo as MIL, free and compulsory education to children between 6-14 years with supply of free text books.
As several ethnic groups such as Rabha, Dimasa, were getting facilities to study their respective languages as MIL in Assam, BSS Secretary Kamala Kanta Mushahary said similarly Bodo should be introduced as MIL in Bengal.

Lamenting the neighbouring state was yet to initiate positive steps for introducing Bodo as MIL even though Assam had done so in 1963, Mushahary said no concrete action was taken yet on the survey conducted by the previous Left Front government for introducing the ethnic language.
Amarendra Suba, Founder secretary of BSS in West Bengal released a souvenir `Holong' besides 22 Bodo novels, including 5 books published by the Sabha.

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