Vitamin D can reduce risk of depression in children

Updated on: Monday, January 23, 2012

Make sure your child is exposed to adequate sunlight and consume a diet rich in vitamin B, that these will reduce their risk of suffering from depression in later life, a study says.

Researchers at the University of Bristol have carried out the study and found that children with low levels of vitamin D are more likely to suffer from mental health problems such as depression in their teenage years.
However, the study says those who get adequate vitamin D have 10 per cent lower risk of developing depression, the 'Daily Mail reported.
For their study, the researchers looked at vitamin D levels in more than 2,700 children when they were aged nine and 13. Those with the lowest levels of vitamin D were more likely to show signs of depression.
Children with higher levels were also more likely to show a decline in depressive symptoms in their teenage years.
The study investigated levels of two forms of the vitamin D2 and D3 and found the strongest anti-depression link with D3, say the researchers.
However, lead researcher Dr Anna-Maija Tolppanen said further research is needed before a change in medical practice could be recommended.
Vitamin D is mainly made by the action of sunlight on the skin. It's also abundant in oily fish like tuna.

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