30 UK students arrive to understand India as a global economy

Updated on: Monday, July 27, 2009

Mumbai: As part of the UK Prime Ministers Global Fellowship (PMGF) programme, 30 students from UK have arrived in India to understand the country as a global economy and also its diverse culture.

After spending a week in New Delhi, ten of them will be in Mumbai while 20 others will be in two otehr cities for a month, British Council sources, who organised the programme, said.

The visit is to develop young British citizens' global understanding, talent and enterprise through meaningful opportunities to engage effectively with other cultures and business environments, they said.
'They will witness the economic growth, prevailing competitive environment, skill sets required in a global conomy, get exposure to the rich Indian culture and history from the point of view of India's capital and key metropolises,' sources said.

The visit will have three distinct phases to give a holistic experience of living in India and exploiting synergies between India and UK.

A total of 100 such students aged 18-19 years were selected under PMGF to receive a first hand opportunity to spend six weeks in India, China or Brazil.

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