Make 'road safety' part of school curriculum: Minister

Updated on: Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Road, Transport and Highways Minister C P Joshi has pressed for making 'road safety' a part of school curriculum.

"A proper and practical road safety curriculum should be developed for this purpose as it will have a long lasting impact on the minds of our young children," he said in a statement.
The slogan for this years road safety week as 'Accidents bring tears, Safety brings cheers' has focussed on different age groups of school going children so that they learn about road safety in league with various stakeholders including Transport Authorities, Traffic Police, Health departments, schools, transport associations, voluntary organisations etc.
"The Statistics show that almost 80 percent of road accidents take place due to drivers fault. This indicates need of a change in attitude. If people follow traffic rules and adopt simple road safety measures, a large number of fatal accidents can be avoided and thousands of precious lives can be saved," Joshi said.
"Government needs to focus particularly in the younger generations to inculcate respect for traffic rules. If it implant the basics of road safety in the minds of children, it can surely arrest the increasing trend of road accidents,"  he said.

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