How to save energy and cut bills? Ask kids

Updated on: Monday, January 09, 2012

Trust bright and energetic children to come up with sound, energy-saving ideas. For instance, did you know that if you switch off your TV and computer from the mains instead of keeping them in sleep mode or standby mode you can save 26 units a month? This translates into Rs 130 at an average rate of Rs 5per unit. A TV set and a computer in stand-by mode consume about 11 watt and 1 watt, respectively.

Similarly, if you keep the temperature of your 1,400 watt air-conditioner at 24 degrees and above it will save you at least 12 units, which translates into a saving of Rs 60 on the monthly bill. If you crank up the AC’s temperature levels by 2 degrees (26, 28, 30 degrees and so on), you can save a further 8-10% of the total units consumed in a month.

These valuable tips, which can save citizens up to 30% on their monthly billings, came from schoolchildren who participated in the Young Energy Savers (YES) campaign to sensitise fellow students, parents and people living in residential areas. The YES campaign was promoted by Reliance Infrastructure as part of Energy Conservation Day celebrations.

Drawing from the pool of young talent, Club Enerji (formerly known as Tata Power Energy Club) kickstarted a nationwide hunt for the next Energy-Q Champions, reaching out to over 2.5 lakh students in the country.


Save Rs 400-600 a month with the following ideas:

Switch of the TV, computer from the mains. You’ll save 26 units (Rs 130) a month

Keep A/C at 24 degrees or above. You’ll cut consumption by 8-10%

Use T5 28-watt tubelight with choke, CFL of 11 watts and 15 watts, and 50-watt fans with BEE or other recognised certification. These help save 5 to 7 units. That means an average saving of Rs 30 a month for consumers

T8, T12 tubelights can help save Rs 20 each by saving around 10 units every month

A five-star rated refrigerator can save Rs 155 per month as it burns 31 units fewer than a normal refrigerator

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