Minority school directed to reply DEO

Updated on: Thursday, December 08, 2011

The Madras High Court bench here directed the Correspondent of a Minority School to reply to the satisfaction of the District Edcuational officer regarding his notification by which the payment of salaries were made directly to the teachers, instead of school management, so that DEO could pass suitable orders.
Justice K Chandru, disposing a writ petition filed by the Correspondent of C E Higher Secondary School, Tiruchi, said the School Management should give a suitable explanation regarding the allegations levelled against them with in 15 days with appropriate proof and DEO will pass orders Based on such explanation.
Till such time,in view of the Interim direction granted which had been complied by the Department, the status quo would continue in the matter of payment of salaries to the teachers by the Management.
The Petitioner submitted that the DEO had resorted to direct payment system of paying Salary to teachers and other staff instead of routing through Correspondent under the provisions of the Tamilnadu Recognised Private School (Regulation)Rules 1974(Rule19).
The school, without appealing to Higher Authorities, said under Tamil Nadu Minority Schools (Recognition and Payment of grant rules 1977) making direct payment was erroneous. The reasons relied on by the DEO for resorting to direct payment was also not convincing, the Judge said.
As the school contended that it was NOT heard before passing order for direct payment to teachers, the High court gave an interim direction to pay the salaries through the Management.The DEO then filed a Miscellaneous petititon to vacate the interim order.

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