Meghalaya students return from NASA space camp

Updated on: Thursday, October 20, 2011

A group of students from Assam Rifles Public School and Army School here in Meghalaya have returned after attending a Space Camp Training at the US Space and Rocket Center in Alabama.

During the training at the interactive camp shuttle mission, rocketry and other simulators were conducted, a Space Camp Ambassador India press release said here.
"If the amount of interest taken by students of Shillong in space science activities is an indication, then the day is not far when Shillong will have a few names in the league of space scientists in the world," it said.
The programme could help the students to strengthen their interpersonal skills such as power of reasoning, problem solving ability and inculcate leadership qualities.
Till now thousands of students across India have undergone the virtual training experience at NASAs Space Camp.
The US Space and Rocket Center is an official visitors Information Center for National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA).
The batch of 16 students returned on October 16.

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