Research in abroad.
Cellular, animal, sub-cellular and patient domains.
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation .
The candidate shall have to obtain the Certification by the Board in internal medicine or pediatrics. The candidate shall have to take clinical research and medicine as a career and have to be a citizen of USA and a permanent resident of USA .
The candidate shall have to obtain MD, PhD coupled with a burning desire to conduct extensive research in cystic fibrosis.
The candidate shall receive $33000 in the 1st year, $34100 in the 2nd year, $34100 in the 3rd year.
The candidates who are willing to enter the Doctoral programs like PhD, MD and undergraduate students who are willing to pursue graduation are eligible to apply for the Student award of Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Research Grants. The stipend awarded to the student is $1500 per year.
Office of Grants Management
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
6931 Arlington Road
Bethesda, MD20814
(800) FIGHT CF.
E-mail: [email protected]