Shastri Indo Canadian Fellowships

Scholarship For:

Degree in abroad, research in abroad.

Scholarship Field:

Respective fields of study.

Scholarship Sponsor:

Departme of Secondary Education, Department of Higher Education and Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India .

Eligibility & Duration for Shastri Indo-Canadian Fellowships:

The Shastri Canadian Studies Doctoral Research Fellowships for Indian Scholars are Fellowship awards to university students in India for carrying out research work on Canada.The awardees of these fellowship awards are required to put forward an interim and a final report Eligibility, Value and Duration of Scholarship Shastri Canadian Studies Doctoral Research Fellowships for Indian Scholars:

  • Full time Indian students who are citizens of India
  • The Fellowship Award is between 1100 -1300 Canadian Dollars per month
  • Between 3 to 4 awards are awarded under this scheme yearly
  • Candidates are required to send in the application form along with a curriculum vitae

The Shastri Canadian Studies Faculty Enrichment Fellowships for Indian Scholars are postgraduate Fellowship awards to professors at Indian Universities. This scholarship helps them develop and expand course materials on CanadaThe awardees of these fellowship awards are required to put forward a final report and attend a summer institute for 7 days

Eligibility, Value & Duration of Scholarship Shastri Canadian Studies Faculty Enrichment Fellowships for Indian Scholars:

  • Full time Indian professors who are citizens of India
  • The Fellowship Award is not for a fixed amount and is for 4-5 weeks
  • Between 7 to 10 awards are awarded under this scheme yearly
  • Candidates are required to send in the application form along with a curriculum vitae

The Shastri Canadian Studies Faculty Research Fellowships for Indian Scholars are postgraduate Fellowship awards to research scholars of Indian origin who carry out research on Canadian studies from their institutes of enrollment or registration. The awardees of these fellowship awards are required to develop teaching material on Canada from an institute in India by publishing research papers

Eligibility, Value & Duration of the Shastri Canadian Studies Faculty Research Fellowships for Indian Scholars

  • Full time Indian students who are citizens of India
  • The Fellowship Award is for an amount of 2971 Canadian Dollars and is for 4-5 weeks of study
  • The award can be given to a maximum 10 people.
  • Candidates are required to send in the application form along with a curriculum vitae

The Shastri India Studies Faculty Fellowships for Indian Scholars are Fellowship awards given to artists trained in Canada and requiring further training in India

  • Applicants must be in a position to substantiate that they need further training in India
  • The area of work should be on performing arts, art history, arts or filmmaking

Eligibility, Value & Duration of Shastri India Studies Faculty Fellowships for Indian Scholars:

  • Artists must be adult Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada
  • Should remain in India for 4 months during the period of the scholarship
  • The Fellowship Award is not fixed and is given only once
  • Between 7 to 10 awards are awarded under this scheme yearly
  • Candidates are required to send in the application form along with a curriculum vitae
  • High School students are not eligible for scholarship

The Shastri India Studies Arts Fellowships are Fellowship awards given to artists trained in Canada India

  • Applicants must be in a position to substantiate that they need further training in India
  • The area of work should be on performing arts, art history, arts or filmmaking

Eligibility, Value & Duration of Shastri India Studies Arts Fellowships:

  • Artists must be adult Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada
  • Should remain in India for 4 months during the period of the scholarship
  • The Fellowship Award is for Canadian Dollars 1824
  • Between 1 to 2 awards are awarded under this scheme
  • Candidates are required to send in the application form along with a curriculum vitae and photograph
  • High School students are not eligible for scholarship

The Shastri India Studies Faculty Fellowships are post graduate fellowships on offer for scholars of Canadian origin who are employed either fully or partly in a higher education institute in Canda. These Canadian scholars are eligible to make applications for research or training in India.

Eligibility, Value & Duration of Shastri India Studies Faculty Fellowships:

  • Candidates must either be 18 years of age or older
  • Students in high school are not eligible
  • Candidates must be Canadian citizens
  • The scholarship grants are for an approximate amount of Rs.20, 000/- per month
  • Candidates are required to send in the application form along with a curriculum vitae and photograph

The Shastri India Studies Postdoctoral Research Fellowships are postgraduate fellowships on offer for scholars who hold a PhD degree and are interested in doing research work in India.

Eligibility, Value & Duration of Shastri India Studies Postdoctoral Research Fellowships

  • Scholarships are not given to candidates who have acquired their PhD degrees more than five years earlier
  • Students in high school are not eligible
  • Candidates must be Canadian citizens or residing permanently in Canada
  • The scholarship grants are for an amount of Rs.16,000/- per month, along with a fixed monthly stipend of Rs.4000/- for conducting research work
  • Candidates are required to send in the application form along with a curriculum vitae and photograph

The Shastri India Studies Student Fellowships are fellowships on offer for scholars who are doing special studies in India at the graduate level. The candidates may apply for research work, training in language or degree fellowships.

Eligibility, Value & Duration of Scholarship Shastri India Studies Student Fellowships:

  • Candidates must be Canadian citizens or residing permanently in Canada
  • The scholarship grants are for an amount of Rs.20, 000/- per month for a maximum period of 1 year
  • Candidates are required to send in the application form along with a curriculum vitae and photograph


2500 University Dr., NW
1402 Education Tower
Calgary,AB,Canada T2N 1N4
Phone :(403)220-7467
Fax : (403) 289-0100

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