Russia calling

Updated on: Monday, June 14, 2010

The Russian Federal Agency of Education now woos Indian students with scholarships, offered for a range of courses

Russian universities now give you one additional reason to study with them. The Russian Federal Agency of Education, which controls all higher educational institutions in the country, has announced scholarships for Indian students for 2010-2011. The scholarship will cover full tuition fee and hostel accommodation to select students, and is being offered from the bachelor's to the doctorate level.

From mathematics, astronomy, civil engineering and medical sciences to architecture, the range of courses is wide. According to C. Ravi Chandran, Managing Director, Study Abroad Educational Consultants, it is the first time that the Russian Federal Agency of Education is offering such a huge amount as scholarship. “For some time, scholarships were discontinued; they were revived five years ago though the amount was minimal. With the new announcement, Russia is all out to get more Indian students,” said Mr. Ravi Chandran. “Internationally, around 3,000 students would be covered.”

The scholarship amount also holds significance as the cost of education in Russia is much cheaper than in the U.S. or the U.K. “The selected students are expected to bear their travel expenses to Russia,” said an official release.

There are about one lakh students from over 200 countries studying in medical, technical and higher educational institutions in the country. While medical education is popular among Indian students, universities are wooing international students to join their technical courses too.


Student who have secured over 80 per cent marks in the core subjects are eligible for the scholarship. Those who have obtained less than 80 per cent could still apply to the universities to get a concession in the tuition fee. Russian universities require that the students should have obtained a minimum of 50 per cent for medical science and 40 for engineering admission.

The candidates should be below 25 years for the bachelor's programme, below 35 for the PG and below 45 for doctorate courses. For further information, contact Russian Centre of Science and Culture, 74, Kasturi Ranga Road, Alwarpet, Chennai. Ph: 044-24986860, 92822 21221. E-mail: [email protected]


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