Over USD three billion of aid to education is spent on scholarships for students of developing countries

Updated on: Saturday, March 30, 2013

According to a UNESCO study, over USD three billion of aid to education is spent on scholarships for students of developing countries to study in donor countries.

The study shows that at least 20 per cent of the aid from the four largest donors to education Japan, Canada, Germany and France is spent on scholarships and student costs rather than targetted at the key education priorities of poor countries.

"...One quarter of aid never leaves the donor countries. In total, USD 3.1 billion of aid to education is spent on scholarships for students from developing countries to study in donor countries," the report said.

In 2010, says the study, almost 40 per cent of Japan's direct aid to education went to scholarships for students studying in Japan, the equivalent for Canada was 22 per cent.

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