Australian Endeavour Scholarship

Updated on: Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Australian High Commissioner in keeping up with the tradition of awarding deserving candidates with Endeavour Scholarships, gave away awards to 26 Indians on February 23rd 2012. These internationally competitive scholarships are awarded to students, researchers and professionals from all around the globe and are merit based.

The awardees can use the scholarship in order to undertake any educational or research programme at the vocational, post graduate and even the postdoctoral levels.

Since 2007, a total of 291 Indians have been receiving the scholarships. In 2012, twenty six Indians have received the Australian award including the much-coveted Prime Minister Australia-Asia Award. “The Australia Award facilitates good sharing of knowledge between the two countries and further aids in building international networks. Education relationship is a critical part of Australia-India strategic partnership,” said Peter Varghese, Australian high commissioner to India.

The award ceremony culminated with the second anniversary of a networking portal especially for Indians who seek educational opportunities in Australia and the website has more than 2300 members. “The link between Indians and Australians is growing at a fast pace and further facilitates this connection,” added Varghese.

Richard Dalla-Riva, Victorian minister for employment and industrial relations and minister for manufacturing, exports and trade launched the Victorian Connection. The Victorian Connection is a networking group that aims at bringing together Victorian expatriates, alumni and even individuals with interest in doing business with Victoria.

Those seeking more information of Endeavour Awards can log on to the following websites:

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